deviceTRUST 23.1.410 for Windows and macOS, and 23.1.400 for Ubuntu, iOS and IGEL OS 12 are now available.

deviceTRUST 21.1.210

This release includes minor features and bug fixes to the deviceTRUST Console, Agent and Client Extension for Microsoft Windows. See deviceTRUST 21.1.110 release notes for full details of the changes introduced in 21.1.110. Please refer to Compatibility for changes that may impact users upgrading from previous releases.

The deviceTRUST 21.1.210 patch includes bugfixes to the deviceTRUST Console. It is not necessary to upgrade the deviceTRUST Agent or Client Extension to this release if you are already using the deviceTRUST 21.1.200 release.

  1. Policies within the deviceTRUST Console
  2. Browser Detection
  3. Custom Properties from the Remote Windows Device
  4. Realtime Custom Properties
  5. Other Changes
  6. Bug fixes in 21.1.200
  7. Bug fixes in 21.1.210
  8. Compatibility

Policies within the deviceTRUST Console

The deviceTRUST Console when launched as a standalone application, now prompts to open the deviceTRUST Policy from Local Policy, Group Policy or from a File-Based Policy. Clicking the Save button will persist the policy back to it’s original location. The Save as button allows a policy to move from one location to another.

Opening a policy from a selected source
Opening a policy from a selected source

Browser Detection

We’ve added detection of the installed browsers. These real-time properties describe the browsers that are installed, and also the default browser. The following properties are available for the local agent or remote device:

  • Count - The number of internet browsers.
  • Name - The name of the internet browser, e.g. Google Chrome.
  • File Path - The file path of the internet browser executable, e.g. C:\Program Files\Google\Chrome\Application\chrome.exe.
  • Version - The version of the internet browser executable, e.g. 100.0.4896.75.
  • Default - Determines whether the browser is the default, e.g. true.

Custom Properties from the Remote Windows Device

We’ve extended our Custom Properties Settings with support for remote Windows devices. This allows a custom script to be executed on the remote device to create any property simply by writing REMOTE_CUSTOM_<NAME>=<VALUE> to the output.

Remote Windows Device Custom Properties
Remote Windows Device Custom Properties

This new mechanism for creating custom properties by parsing the output has also been added to the local agent, allowing creation of properties by writing LOCAL_CUSTOM_<NAME>=<VALUE> to the output.

Realtime Custom Properties

Custom Properties of the Local Agent or Remote Windows Device can now actively monitor the state of a property and provide updates when a property has changed. By disabling the option to Wait for the process to terminate up to timeout, and emitting CONTINUE after any properties are written to the output, the custom properties script can remain resident. The following PowerShell example can be used to monitor for Microsoft Team executing and will deliver a change to the property any time it is launched or closed:

while ($true) {
    $teamsProcesses = Get-Process Teams -ErrorAction Ignore
    Write-Host "REMOTE_CUSTOM_TEAMS_RUNNING=$($teamsProcesses.Length -gt 0)"
    Write-Host "CONTINUE"
    Sleep -Seconds 1

Other Changes

  • The Popup Message task now has an option to close the popup after a button is clicked.
  • Custom Properties on the Local Agent can now be configured to persist the properties that were determined on Logon over to a Reconnect, ensuring that the script only launches once per session.
  • The Time Of Day context conditions now support variables.

Bug fixes in 21.1.200

  • Fixed an issue where the Azure AD task could not set a device as compliant, or update extended attributes, of a device that was Azure AD registered, rather than Azure AD joined.
  • Fixed an issue on Azure Virtual Desktops (AVD) where on a Reconnect to a published application, the Deny Access task could fill the entire screen.
  • Fixed an issue where rules created by the Windows Firewall task could result in an “any” ip address or port rule when invalid data was entered into the console. Data entered into the console is now validated before allowing the data to be committed.
  • Fixed an issue where the Map Printer task would fail to unmap a printer on Logoff unless `Wait for task to complete before continuing’ was checked.
  • Fixed an issue where remote device properties were sometimes unavailable on a Citrix session.
  • Fixed an occasional crash that could occur within the deviceTRUST Agent service during logon.

Bug fixes in 21.1.210

  • Fixed an issue within the deviceTRUST Console where the Delay execution until properties are available option for the Local Agent within the Custom Properties Settings did not persist correctly to the underlying policy.
  • Fixed an issue within the deviceTRUST Console where toggling the enabled state of Custom Properties Settings changed the enabled state of the Local Agent.


Please refer to our general approach to compatibility which can be found on the compatibility page.

If you are using Local Agent Custom Properties, and are using a deviceTRUST Agent older than 21.1.200, then you should continue to call to dtcmd SET instead of upgrading to the newer output parsing mechanism. Calls to dtcmd SET will continue work with 21.1.200 and later.

If upgrading from a version older than deviceTRUST 21.1.110, be sure to refer to the deviceTRUST 21.1.110 Compatibility notes.