deviceTRUST 23.1.410 for Windows and macOS, and 23.1.400 for Ubuntu, iOS and IGEL OS 12 are now available.

IGEL Client Extension 21.1.310

This release includes new features and bug fixes, and is natively integrated into IGEL OS 11.08.200 and later. For integration into previous IGEL OS releases, please contact

Custom Properties for IGEL OS devices

The Custom Properties Settings now supports remote IGEL OS devices. This allows a custom script to be executed on the remote IGEL device by writing REMOTE_CUSTOM_NAME=VALUE to the output.

Native IGEL OS integration

IGEL OS 11.08.200 now supports native integration of the deviceTRUST Client Extension for Amazon WorkSpaces, Citrix Workspace App, Microsoft Azure Virtual Desktop and Free RDP. Additionally, VMware Horizon View is supported in IGEL OS 11.08.230. For more information, see Supported IGEL Operating Systems for Client Extension.

Bug fixes

  • Fixed an issue where the Third Party Geolocation provider could fail to determine a position.

Known issues

  • We don’t have the necessary permissions to determine the REMOTE_HARDWARE_BIOS_SERIAL property on an IGEL device. Until we have a permanent solution, this can be solved by running dmidecode -s system-serial-number > /wfs/bios_serial_number within the IGEL configuration at System -> Firmware Customization -> Custom Commands -> Base -> Final initialization command. Please note that the location of this file has changed in this release.


Please see the Known issues for a change to the default location of the bios_serial_number file.

There are no other compatibility concerns with this release of the deviceTRUST IGEL Client Extension.