deviceTRUST 23.1.410 for Windows and macOS, and 23.1.400 for Ubuntu, iOS and IGEL OS 12 are now available.

Policy category: Auto Update

  1. Policy setting: Allow deviceTRUST to automatically update connecting clients
  2. Policy setting: User messages displayed when automatically updating the client
  3. Policy setting: Translations of user messages displayed when automatically updating the client

Policy setting: Allow deviceTRUST to automatically update connecting clients

Defines the properties required for the deviceTRUST client to automatically update.

Auto update requires Windows client 18.1 or later. Additionally clients older than 19.1 require the ‘Disallow connections from trusted devices not meeting the minimum client version’ policy.

Clients older than the Update Version will be automatically updated and become active on subsequent connections whilst allowing the current connection to continue. To prevent clients from connecting when updating, this policy can be used together with the “Disallow connections from trusted devices not meeting the minimum client version” policy.

The Exclude Version value defines a semi-colon separated list of client versions which should not be installed on a client. If a value within this list matches the installed client version and the installed client version is less than the Update Version the client will be upgraded. If a value within this list matches the installed client version and the installed client version is greater than the Update Version the client will be downgraded. Exclude Version requires Windows client 19.3 or later.

The Primary Resource Url value defines the location of the client.

The Secondary Resource Urls value defines a semi-colon separated list of client locations to try should the primary resource url be unreachable.

The Hash value is the optional SHA-256 hash of the client executable. This is used by the client to ensure the integrity of the downloaded binary before it is executed.

The Args value defines the custom arguments. To enable logging, add ‘/log client_install.txt’. Installation files will be located in ‘[ProgramData]\deviceTRUST\Client\AutoUpdate'.

The default behavior does not automatically update clients.

Policy setting: User messages displayed when automatically updating the client

Defines the messages displayed to the user when the client is automatically updating.

This policy works together with the ‘Allow deviceTRUST to automatically update connecting clients’ policy, which can be used to automatically update clients.

The default title is ‘We’re updating your software’.

The default downloading message is ‘Please wait while we download an update’.

The default upgrading message is ‘Installing your update’.

The default complete message is ‘Your update has been installed. Please close and relaunch your client before reconnecting to your workplace.’.

The default error message is ‘We didn’t manage to install your update successfully. Please download and install the latest deviceTRUST client from or contact your system administrator.’.

Policy setting: Translations of user messages displayed when automatically updating the client

Defines the translations of the user messages displayed when the client is automatically updating.

Translations are defined as a mapping of user locale to the message displayed to the user.

User messages are selected by prioritizing a region specific locale such as -, followed by a region neutral locale such as , followed by the default user message.

For example:

  • en-US - Provides a user message displayed only when the language is English and the region is United States.
  • en - Provides a user message displayed when the language is English, regardless of the region.

The default value does not provide any translations.