deviceTRUST for Windows and the deviceTRUST Client Extension for IGEL OS 12 and macOS are now available.

eLux Client 19.1.200

Welcome to our first release of the deviceTRUST eLux Client. This release includes support for both the ICA and RDP protocols. See Installing the eLux Client for details on how to install the client. Please also refer to the Known Issues for details of a missing dependency.

The following properties of the eLux device are available within the virtual sessions:

  1. Custom Properties
  2. deviceTRUST Properties
  3. Display Properties
  4. eLux Properties
  5. Hardware Properties
  6. Input Properties
  7. Location Properties
  8. Logical Disk Properties
  9. Name Properties
  10. Network Properties
  11. OS Properties
  12. Power Properties
  13. Region Properties
  14. Screensaver Properties
  15. Smartcard Reader Properties
  16. User Properties
  17. Whois Properties
  18. Signing

Custom Properties

The CUSTOM category of properties is populated by the environment variables configured within the advanced configuration of the eLux device.

  • DEVICE_CUSTOM_X_PATH - The identifying location of the eLux environment variable, which is always set to /setup/terminal.ini.
  • DEVICE_CUSTOM_X_NAME - The name of the eLux environment variable.
  • DEVICE_CUSTOM_X_VALUE - The value of the eLux environment variable.
  • DEVICE_CUSTOM_COUNT - The number of eLux environment variables.

deviceTRUST Properties

The DEVICETRUST category of properties determines information about the deviceTRUST Client installed on the eLux device.

  • DEVICE_DEVICETRUST_VERSION - The version of the deviceTRUST Client installed on the eLux device.

Display Properties

The DISPLAY category of properties determines the displays, or screens, that are available to the use of the remote device.

  • DEVICE_DISPLAY_COUNT - The number of displays detected.
  • DEVICE_DISPLAY_X_NAME - The name of the display.
  • DEVICE_DISPLAY_X_WIDTH - The width in pixels of the display.
  • DEVICE_DISPLAY_X_HEIGHT - The height in pixels of the display.
  • DEVICE_DISPLAY_X_BPP - The number of bits per pixel available to the display.
  • DEVICE_DISPLAY_X_DPI - The number of pixels per inch of the display.

eLux Properties

We’ve added an ELUX category of properties, which provide properties specific to the eLux device. Control of these properties requires the deviceTRUST 19.1.200 Host.

  • DEVICE_ELUX_HOSTID - The HostId of the eLux device.
  • DEVICE_ELUX_INFO1 - The Info1 field of the eLux device.
  • DEVICE_ELUX_INFO2 - The Info2 field of the eLux device.
  • DEVICE_ELUX_INFO3 - The Info3 field of the eLux device.
  • DEVICE_ELUX_OU_ID - The ID of the OU that the eLux device belong to.
  • DEVICE_ELUX_SCOUT_NAME - The name of the Scout server.
  • DEVICE_ELUX_SCOUT_IP - The IP address of the Scout server.
  • DEVICE_ELUX_SCOUT_VERSION - The version of the Scout server.
  • DEVICE_ELUX_SCOUT_CERTIFICATE_SERIALNUMBER - The serial number of the Scout server certificate.
  • DEVICE_ELUX_SCOUT_CERTIFICATE_SUBJECT - The subject of the Scout server certificate.
  • DEVICE_ELUX_SCOUT_CERTIFICATE_THUMBPRINT_SHA256 - The SHA256 hash of the Scout server certificate.

Please note that the Scout Server certificate changes periodically unless configured with a custom certificate.

Hardware Properties

The HARDWARE category of properties determines information about the hardware on the remote device.

  • DEVICE_HARDWARE_VENDOR - The vendor of the device.
  • DEVICE_HARDWARE_MODEL - The model of the device.
  • DEVICE_HARDWARE_CPU - The CPU available on the device.
  • DEVICE_HARDWARE_CPU_SPEED - The speed of the CPU available on the device.
  • DEVICE_HARDWARE_SYSTEMMEMORY - The total size of memory in MB.
  • DEVICE_HARDWARE_BIOS_SERIAL - The serial number of the BIOS of the device.
  • DEVICE_HARDWARE_BIOS_VERSION - The version number of the BIOS.
  • DEVICE_HARDWARE_BIOS_RELEASEDATE - The date of release of the BIOS.
  • DEVICE_HARDWARE_VIRTUALIZATION - The type of virtualization used to host the device.
  • DEVICE_HARDWARE_SECUREBOOT - Determines if the device was booted using secure boot.
  • DEVICE_HARDWARE_ROLE - The role of the device, such as Laptop, Tablet or Desktop.
  • DEVICE_HARDWARE_LID - Set to Open or Closed, depending upon the state of the lid.

Input Properties

The INPUT category of properties determines the input devices available on the remote device.

  • DEVICE_INPUT_KEYBOARD - Set to true when the remote device has a keyboard available.
  • DEVICE_INPUT_MOUSE - Set to true when the remote device has a mouse.
  • DEVICE_INPUT_PEN - Set to true when the remote device has a pen.
  • DEVICE_INPUT_TOUCH - Set to true when the remote device has a touchscreen.

Location Properties

The LOCATION category of properties determines the physical location of the remote device. This requires access to a WiFi adapter and is subject to third party terms and conditions.

  • DEVICE_LOCATION_LATITUDE - The geographical latitude of the device.
  • DEVICE_LOCATION_LONGITUDE - The geographical longitude of the device.
  • DEVICE_LOCATION_ACCURACY - The accuracy of the latitude and longitude values.
  • DEVICE_LOCATION_URL - A URL displaying the location of the device.
  • DEVICE_LOCATION_COUNTRY_CODE - The country code where the device is located.
  • DEVICE_LOCATION_COUNTRY - The country where the device is located.
  • DEVICE_LOCATION_POSTCODE - The postcode where the device is located.
  • DEVICE_LOCATION_STATE - The state where the device is located.
  • DEVICE_LOCATION_STATE_DISTRICT - The district where the device is located.
  • DEVICE_LOCATION_COUNTY - The country where the device is located.
  • DEVICE_LOCATION_TOWN - The town where the device is located.
  • DEVICE_LOCATION_STREET - The name of the street where the device is located.
  • DEVICE_LOCATION_BUILDING - The name of the building where the device is located.
  • DEVICE_LOCATION_NUMBER - The house number where the device is located.

Logical Disk Properties

The LOGICALDISK category of properties provide real-time properties identifying the logical disks connected to the remote device. This includes support for the following properties:

  • DEVICE_LOGICALDISK_COUNT - The number of available logical disks.
  • DEVICE_LOGICALDISK_X_TYPE - The type of the logical disk, such as Fixed or Removable.
  • DEVICE_LOGICALDISK_X_LABEL - The volume label.
  • DEVICE_LOGICALDISK_X_FILESYSTEM - The underlying filesystem.
  • DEVICE_LOGICALDISK_X_PATH - The path where the disk is mounted.
  • DEVICE_LOGICALDISK_X_TOTALMB - The total size in MB of the logical disk. This is only available on mounted volumes.
  • DEVICE_LOGICALDISK_X_FREEMB - The free / available size in MB. This is only available on mounted volumes.
  • DEVICE_LOGICALDISK_X_NAME - The vendor and model of the logical disk.
  • DEVICE_LOGICALDISK_X_VENDOR_ID - The vendor id of the logical disk for USB or PCI connected disks.
  • DEVICE_LOGICALDISK_X_PRODUCT_ID - For USB connected disks, this is the USB product id. For PCI connected disks, this is the device id.
  • DEVICE_LOGICALDISK_X_SERIALNUMBER - The serial number of the physical disk.
  • DEVICE_LOGICALDISK_X_BUSTYPE - Set to the name of the bus that the device is connected, e.g. SATA, SCSI, USB, NVme, etc.

Name Properties

The NAME category of properties determines the name of the device.

  • DEVICE_NAME - The name of the device.
  • DEVICE_NAME_DNS - The DNS name of the device.
  • DEVICE_ID - A unique identifier of the device.

Network Properties

The NETWORK category of properties determines the connected network adapters of the remote device.

  • DEVICE_NETWORK_COUNT - The number of network adapters.
  • DEVICE_NETWORK_X_STATUS - The status of the network adapter.
  • DEVICE_NETWORK_X_NAME - The name of the network adapter.
  • DEVICE_NETWORK_X_DESCRIPTION - The description of the network adapter.
  • DEVICE_NETWORK_X_TYPE - The type of network adapter, such as Ethernet or WiFi.
  • DEVICE_NETWORK_X_MAC - The physical MAC address of the network adapter.
  • DEVICE_NETWORK_X_IP - The IP address of the network adapter.
  • DEVICE_NETWORK_X_IPV4_ENABLED - Set to true when IPv4 is enabled.
  • DEVICE_NETWORK_X_IPV6_ENABLED - Set to true when IPv6 is enabled.
  • DEVICE_NETWORK_X_DNS - The IP address of the DNS server.
  • DEVICE_NETWORK_X_GATEWAY - The IP address of the gateway.
  • DEVICE_NETWORK_X_GATEWAY_MAC - The MAC address of the gateway.
  • DEVICE_NETWORK_X_WINS - The IP address of the WINS server.
  • DEVICE_NETWORK_X_SPEED - The speed of the network adapter.
  • DEVICE_NETWORK_X_DHCP_ENABLED - Set to true when the network adapter is configured to use DHCP.
  • DEVICE_NETWORK_X_DHCP_SERVER - The IP address of the DHCP server.
  • DEVICE_NETWORK_X_DHCP_LEASE - The lease time of the IP address.
  • DEVICE_NETWORK_X_DHCP_EXPIRES - The time that the IP address expires.
  • DEVICE_NETWORK_X_WIFI_SSID - For WiFi network adapters, the SSID of any connected networks.
  • DEVICE_NETWORK_X_WIFI_BSSID - For WiFi network adapters, the BSSID of the connected access point.
  • DEVICE_NETWORK_X_WIFI_STRENGTH - The signal strength of the WiFi network adapter.
  • DEVICE_NETWORK_X_WIFI_SECURITY - The security used to authenticate and encrypt the data over the WiFi network adapter.

OS Properties

The OS category of properties determines information about the OS on the remote device.

  • DEVICE_OS_NAME - The name of the OS. This is set to eLux.
  • DEVICE_OS_DESCRIPTION - A textual description of the OS.
  • DEVICE_OS_VERSION - The version number of the OS.
  • DEVICE_OS_TYPE - The type of OS. This is set to Client.
  • DEVICE_OS_PLATFORM - The platform of the OS, such as x64.
  • DEVICE_OS_ID - An arbitrary identifier that uniquely identifies the OS.

Power Properties

The POWER category of properties determines information about the power source used by the remote device.

  • DEVICE_POWER_AC - Set to Online whenever the remote device is plugged in, otherwise Offline.
  • DEVICE_POWER_BATTERY - Set to High, Medium, Low or Critical depending upon the available battery.

Region Properties

  • DEVICE_REGION_TIMEZONE_OFFSET - The offset in minutes relative to UTC.
  • DEVICE_REGION_LANGUAGE - The language configured by the OS.
  • DEVICE_REGION_LOCALE - The locale configured by the OS.
  • DEVICE_REGION_KEYBOARD_LANGUAGE - The language configured by the keyboard.
  • DEVICE_REGION_KEYBOARD_LOCALE - The locale configured by the keyboard.

Screensaver Properties

The SCREENSAVER category of properties defines the screensaver configured on the remote device.

  • DEVICE_SCREENSAVER_ENABLED - Determines if the screensaver is enabled.
  • DEVICE_SCREENSAVER_SECURE - Determines if a password is required when the screensaver is deactivated.
  • DEVICE_SCREENSAVER_TIMEOUT - Determines the amount of user idle time in seconds before the screensaver is shown.
  • DEVICE_SCREENSAVER_FILENAME - The filename of the screensaver that is shown to the user.

Smartcard Reader Properties

The SMARTCARDREADER category of properties determines any smartcard readers connected to the remote device.

  • DEVICE_SMARTCARDREADER_COUNT - The number of smartcard readers connected.
  • DEVICE_SMARTCARDREADER_X_NAME - The name of the smartcard reader.

User Properties

The USER category of properties determines information about the user logged into the remote device.

  • DEVICE_USER_NAME - The name of the user.
  • DEVICE_USER_NAME_DOMAIN - The domain of the user.
  • DEVICE_USER_NAME_DOMAIN_DNS - The domain dns of the user.
  • DEVICE_USER_LOCALADMIN - Set to true whenever the user has admin rights.
  • DEVICE_USER_DOMAINLOGON - Set to true whenever the user belongs to a domain.

Whois Properties

The WHOIS category of properties determines the results of a WHOIS lookup of the remote device.

  • DEVICE_WHOIS_IP - The ip address of the remote device.
  • DEVICE_WHOIS_DNS - The DNS address of the remote device.
  • DEVICE_WHOIS_ISP - The ISP of the remote device.
  • DEVICE_WHOIS_COUNTRY - The country where the remote device is located.


The signing certicates representing those used to sign this release can be found here. Please ensure that the necessary certificates are uploaded to the Scout server, as described in Import the deviceTRUST certificate chain.

Known Issues

  • The deviceTRUST eLux package is missing a dependency on the libcurl - the multiprotocol file transfer library library. To work around this issue, manually deploy the libcurl library from within the System Libraries package.