Building Blocks Templates
Individual contexts and actions that can be used as building blocks within your configuration.

- Access Mode - Defines if the local device is internal or external to the corporate network.
- Conditional Application Access - Hides or denies applications within the session.
- Country - Defines the country in which the local device is located.
- Country Provider - Defines the country provider that reports the country in which the local device is located.
- Device Location IP Address - Defines the location of a local device based on its IP address.
- Device Location NetBIOS Name - Defines the location of a local device based on its NetBIOS name.
- Device Location Wi-Fi Access Point - Defines the location of a local device based on its connected Wi-Fi access point.
- Operating System Update - Defines if a recent update search has been performed and that critical updates have been installed.
- Override - Defines if the session user is a member of the override AD group.
- Policy Mode from AD Group - Defines if the deviceTRUST policy runs in active or passive mode based upon the membership of an AD group.
- Policy Mode from Date - Defines if the deviceTRUST policy runs in active or passive mode based upon a fixed date.
- Process Monitoring - Evaluates if an application is running on the local device. Uses a custom property for evaluation.
- Proximity - Defines the proximity of the local device to a given position.
- Session Idle - Defines if the session is idle.
- Unauthorized USB Device - Defines if an unauthorized USB device (Stick, Camera and Mobile Phone) is plugged into the local device.
- VPN Connected - Defines if a network adapter of the local device is connected to a VPN network.
- Wi-Fi Security Mode - Defines if the local device is connected to a secure Wi-Fi network.
- Working Time - Defines if the current time is within work hours.