deviceTRUST 23.1.400 for Windows, Ubuntu, macOS and iOS is now available.

Local Scenario

deviceTRUST requires only one main component when installing on local devices, the deviceTRUST Agent. The deviceTRUST component can be installed and configured within minutes and can be fully integrated with existing deployment processes and management tools. No additional infrastructure (e.g. a database or a web server) is required for deviceTRUST to be installed in your environment.

deviceTRUST Agent

This component needs to be installed on the local device. The Property Reference describes which properties of the local agent are available within the users’ session.

Architecture - Microsoft Windows local devices

The following diagram details the deviceTRUST architecture when the agent is installed on a Windows OS, with deviceTRUST making the user and device context information available within the local desktop session. Policy is made available to the deviceTRUST Agent using existing Microsoft Active Directory Group Policy Management or file-based. All operations performed by the deviceTRUST Agent are written to the Microsoft Windows Event Log.

Microsoft Windows Local Devices
Microsoft Windows Local Devices