deviceTRUST 23.1.410 for Windows and macOS, and 23.1.400 for Ubuntu, iOS and IGEL OS 12 are now available.

Client installation on Stratodesk NoTouch OS devices

deviceTRUST is integrated into Stratodesk NoTouch release 3.4.516 or higher and supports the Microsoft Remote Desktop Protocol (RDP), Citrix Independent Computing Architecture (ICA) and VMware Horizon View (Blast, PCoIP and RDP). The deviceTRUST Client Extension binaries are not distributed with NoTouch OS or NoTouch Center, but a URL can be provided for the deviceTRUST Client Extension to be automatically downloaded and installed.

The instructions below use Stratodesk NoTouch Center to configure the environment, however similar steps can be performed with the Configuration application available locally on Stratodesk NoTouch OS.

  • NoTouch OS devices must be restarted after enabling the deviceTRUST Client Extension.

Enable deviceTRUST Client Extension for Citrix Workspace App

Navigate to SERVICES and set deviceTRUST | Citrix lib URL to the NoTouch Citrix URL available on the Download page.

  • Although this URL can be used for testing, deviceTRUST may change it in the future. To ensure you don't experience any downtime you should copy the file and host it within your own environment.
Setting the deviceTRUST Client Extension for Citrix URL
Setting the deviceTRUST Client Extension for Citrix URL

Finally, within a connection where the connection mode is set to CITRIX WORKSPACE APP or CHROMIUM, navigate to the CITRIX WORKSPACE APP tab and set deviceTRUST Citrix Client Extension to ON.

Enabling the deviceTRUST Client Extension for Citrix
Enabling the deviceTRUST Client Extension for Citrix

Enable deviceTRUST Client Extension for FreeRDP

Navigate to SERVICES and set deviceTRUST | RDP lib URL to the NoTouch RDP URL available on the Download page.

  • Although this URL can be used for testing, deviceTRUST may change it in the future. To ensure you don't experience any downtime you should copy the file and host it within your own environment.
Setting the deviceTRUST Client Extension for RDP URL
Setting the deviceTRUST Client Extension for RDP URL

Finally, within a connection where the connection mode is set to RDP/FreeRDP, navigate to the FreeRDP tab and set deviceTRUST FreeRDP Client Extension to ON.

Enabling the deviceTRUST Client Extension for FreeRDP
Enabling the deviceTRUST Client Extension for FreeRDP

Enable deviceTRUST Client Extension for VMware Horizon View

Navigate to SERVICES and set deviceTRUST | VMware lib URL to the NoTouch VMware URL available on the Download page.

  • Although this URL can be used for testing, deviceTRUST may change it in the future. To ensure you don't experience any downtime you should copy the file and host it within your own environment.
Setting the deviceTRUST Client Extension for VMware URL
Setting the deviceTRUST Client Extension for VMware URL

Finally, within a connection where the connection mode is set to VMware Horizon View navigate to the VMware Horizon View tab and set deviceTRUST VMware Horizon Client Extension to ON.

Enabling the deviceTRUST Client Extension for VMware Horizon View
Enabling the deviceTRUST Client Extension for VMware Horizon View